
 Parent's Homework


*Please check your child's bookbag each night for important papers and information regarding school and the classroom.
*Please make sure your child reads each night for 15-20 minutes.  Have your child read out loud to you and you read some to your child.  Be sure to ask questions regarding the story.
*Ask your children what they did at school today.
*Remind your child about his/her AR book.  Have they taken test lately?


Student's Homework

Mrs. Melissa White

3rd Grade

~~HOMEWORK~~All homework is expected to be neat, clean, and legible. January 04th, 2010 – January 08th, 2010

Reading Selection:

Your Dad Was Just Like You Word Study:

Additional practice for medial consonant digraphs: th, ph, sh, and ch




  tooth                they                          mother                 


something       thick             rich    


chain               chuckle       reached

chunk              smash           finish                


shadow            shine            shape

  Enrichment Words 

jokes         neighborhood        prize


problem       prove

Tic-Tac-Toe Spelling!

ABC Order


Write each word 5

Times each


Illustrate your words




Word Search; including key




Rainbow Spelling

Write each word, circle the vowel and underline the consonant


Calculate word Value


Calculate Word Value (7 of your Spelling Words):  Give each letter a value based on its position in the alphabet.  For example:  A=1, B=2, C=3, etc.  Then, add them up.


WILD CARD ASSIGNMENTS:  (1) Make Words using Enrichment Words, (2) Definitions for all words including Enrichment Words, (3) Crossword Puzzle, (4) Write a Story using all spelling words, and/or (5) Spelling Ladders.


This Tic-Tac-Toe Game allows you to go vertical, horizontal, diagonal, or 4 corners.  If you choose vertical, horizontal, or diagonal, please pick one additional assignment for Thursday’s homework.



MONDAY:  Read passage and answer all questions.


TUESDAY:  Read AR Book for at least 30-40 minutes.


WEDNESDAY:  Read AR Book for at least 30-40 minutes.


THURSDAY:  Complete Reading Skills Sheet.


FRIDAY:  Read AR Book for at least 30-40 minutes.

  • Please turn in all homework on time.
  • Study your spelling words every night.
  • Read your AR book at least 3 times before attempting to take an AR test.  Remember to request a conference from your parents and/or sibling(s).
  • January 18, 2010:  Holiday – Dr. Martin Luther King Day
  • January 19 & 20, 2010:  Teacher Workdays
  • January 25, 2010:  Report Cards Go Home